Dear Fat People,
Have you been told today you're beautiful?
You are.
You are a beautiful, valued, and productive member of society.
What you eat is your own business.
Your health is between you and your doctor.
The people whose opinions matter: You, your nonjudgmental friends and family and the Fat positive community who loves you unconditionally whether you are eating healthy, eating crap, dieting, have heart disease, have diabetes or are running marathons.
The people who's opinions don't matter: Unfunny comedians who don't know the different between a funny fat joke (Weird Al's "I'm Fat") and an unfunny one.
Just a reminding you in case I haven't said it enough. You are a beautiful, smart, and wonderful person. Value the people who love you.
Please don't allow click-baiting unfunny opportunists to ruin that.
Love Lara
Fat Chicks Rule!! XXOO