Short blog today and no Blog post next week, I will be on vacation.
If you read my book, the introduction is all about my my dieting history.
Somehow I managed to resist dieting pressure until junior high but starting at around 12 or 13, the dieting began. Everything from commercial diets to DIY. I stayed on this wagon of weight cycling and doing different diets until 2002 when my last diet jeopardized my health. (I’m sure the rest didn’t help either.)
Research was recently presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB). In this they found that younger a girl went on a diet, the more likely of negative health outcomes later in life.
The younger a woman was when she started her first diet, the more likely she was to use extreme weight control behaviors like self-induced vomiting, misuse alcohol, and be overweight or obese when she reached her 30's.
Essentially being told you're fat and need to diet made the young woman fat. Thankfully, I never became bulimic or an alcoholic. I did however gain weight from the dieting/binge cycle.