No blog post next week, I will be away.
Weight loss drugs have a history of not working and/or causing dangerous and deadly side effects. This new one coming down the pipe doesn't look any better.
This new pill Gelesis100 (I kind of wonder what happened to Gelesis1-99) temporarily expands in your stomach, in theory making you eat less. Results have been disappointing. The pill caused a people to lose 6.1% of their body weight compared to the placebo of 4.1%. The makers, of course, call it a huge victory over the fatties!
Oh and they also had to diet while using it.
The study involved 128 overweight or obese Europeans who swallowed a capsule before lunch and dinner along with half a liter, or about 17 fluid ounces, of water. They were also put on a reduced-calorie diet.
And 24% of people who took the higher dose (Is this like a bigger balloon?)
Gelesis executives said that was probably because 24 percent of patients on the higher dose stopped taking the capsules...
...could cause bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
But Dr. Daniel H. Bessesen, an endocrinologist at the University of Colorado who was not involved in the study, said weight loss of 2 percent beyond that provided by a placebo was “very modest.” “It doesn’t look like a game changer,” he said.
So let's say it again kids, "No diet drug has been proven to work in the long run." This drug mixed with a low calorie diet is the same shit, different day.
And I'm really tired of these pill pushers that assume fat people are fat because we eat too much. Of course starving someone can cause weight loss but studies have shown this doesn’t work in the long run.