I watched exactly one episode of Dr. Oz. I found him and his show to be superficial tripe. I watched the episode solely because Dr. Glenn Gaesser (A proponent of fit and fat) happened to be on.
Recently Dr. Oz was called in front of congress and chastised for his role in pushing diet products that don’t work in the long run. He was unapologetic about it.
Oz insisted he believes in the supplements he talks about on his show as short-term crutches and even has his family try them. He said his job on the show is to be a "cheerleader" for his audience, one who offers hope even if that means looking to alternative healing traditions and any evidence that might support them.
Dr. Oz pushed a diet product Pure Green Coffee on his show which later the FTC investigated for making false diet claims. Dr. Oz scolded Dr. Gaesser for promoting fit and fat, but there are plenty of studies showing you can be fit and fat and as far as I know no study showing green coffee working in the long run (I found one short term study of 22 weeks where 16 people lost about 18lbs).
The weight-loss industry is an area where consumers are particularly vulnerable to fraud, Mary Koelbel Engle, an associate director at the FTC, testified at the Senate hearing. She said the agency conducted a consumer survey in 2011 and found that more consumers were victims of fraudulent weight-loss products than of any of the other specific frauds covered in the survey.
I don’t think people turn to snake oil salesmen because they’re stupid, (I was dieting including fad ones long after I got my second master’s degree) I think they do it because they are desperate. We live in a world that preaches that thin is everything and that we must fit into a magical number of BMI 18.5 to 24.5 or we will die a horrible lonely death. Something Dr. Oz’s show often conveys.
And let’s not even talk about the fat suit.
your link to the Dr Oz article is dead. i tried googling it and it is dead in many places... makes me wonder if it has been "cleansed" from many news sources. here is one that still works:
Posted by: manchester fat acceptance | July 06, 2014 at 05:28 AM