There is apparently a new fitness app that makes fun of fat people if you fail to lose weight. (If you are interested you can click on the link below but make sure your sanity points are high.) I watched exactly one minute of a Good Morning America clip before I got angry and I felt my heart rate go up. This app didn't help me get healthy, it instead brought up my blood pressure.
I'm sure the makers (Actually one skinny boy) of the app didn't think they were causing harm or being stupid. I'm fairly certain he didn't bother to read studies or think things through. I'm fairly certain that he thought he was funny and he would probably tell me that I shouldn't be so touchy. After all if I don't like it I don't have to buy it.
I have mentioned on many previous posts that stigma NEVER works. It doesn't help you lose weight or get healthy. If anything it makes health worse by stressing out the person because no matter how hard they try or listen to their mean app, the weight loss doesn't happen in the long run.
"People who are criticized for their size often engage in dangerous dieting behaviors that put them more at risk for disordered eating and, ultimately, eating disorders," said Lynn Grefe, president of NEDA, in a statement.
I don't need a mean app to be healthy. I tried everything in the past to lose weight. and Both positive and negative reinforcement didn't work (And thanks to negative reinforcement my self-esteem plummeted.) Negative reinforcement was not allowing myself to do something I enjoyed or wanted unless there was weight loss.
I have a recumbent bike that I ride every day. Some days I can only do 20 minutes, some days I can do 40 minutes. My bike doesn't yell at me for not keeping up.