If you search Fat Wonder Woman (WW), you'll get lovely art work featuring a plumped up sexy WW. Fat superheroes in comics don't exist. Heroes are muscular and heroines are thin and scantily clad. It's easier to find a mainstream fat villain than a fat hero.
Hurricane Sandy soured the mood of most New Yorkers last year and Halloween was one of its victims. This year I decided to make up for lost time and actually dress up compared to other years where I might wear my cat ears, my squid or zombie hat.
I decided on Wonder Woman, mostly because I love her and it was one of the few costumes that went up to 2x with reviews saying it was a comfortable 2x.
Even through this awesome costume went to size 2x, I was more interested in buying a costume tee-shirt and then buy the accessories. I wanted something so I could be WW year round.
That was until I tried to find it. I went to Ricky's Halloween shop and Spirit of Halloween. Both I might add do carry plus size costumes. While their selection has gotten better over the years, they still had more selections for dogs than fat people. I would even say it was easier to find a fat suit than a costume in my size.
They did carry Wonder Woman costume tee-shirts (with capes), night shorts (also with capes) and dresses.
The sizes? XS to XL.
I thought maybe it was the stores that didn't carry the plus sizes. Surely if I go online I'll find ones at least in my size (and if you're supersized, don't even bother, make your own).
No dice. Apparently the manufacturer didn't realize that fat women did in fact go out to celebrate Halloween and don't sit at home eating all the candy.
After searching for costume tees and coming up with nothing, I gave up until I got an email from Hot Topic that said that costumes were available. I wasn't getting my hopes up. Hot Topic tends to throw scraps at plus sizes. I was surprised to see a Wonder Woman dress that went up to 3x and a sexy costume that went up to 2x.
Until I clicked on the sizing chart and discovered Hot Topic's 3x only went to size 19. Why they made a 3x equivalent to at 19 and not a 22 was beyond me. (Macy’s Junior plus uses the same sizes as adults and the model in the costume was a young adult.) This made no sense. I felt Hot Topic was bullying me. Teasing me with a costume in my size than giving me a big FU.
I searched again and found that once upon a time Torrid, Hot Topics' fat younger sister, made a WW costume tee. Because they hadn't made it this year, it was only available on ebay. After several attempts to get it, I gave in and purchased a 2x WW logo tee-shirt. Figured I'd go back to Spirit of Halloween and get the full costume.
They make Wonder Woman tutus which I initially dismissed because I assumed it wasn’t made for fat asses. After the frustration of trying to find the costume tee, I decided to try it on and was surprised to find it fit. I was shocked and amazed when it slid over my jeans easily. Adding the tutu (Which I love and want to wear every day), the accessory set and WW stockings to the logo tshirt, I was finally ready to go. It wasn’t what I wanted but this was as close as I could get.
But the moral of this story isn't finding the costume and putting it together, it was the complete lack of items in my size. Had I been a large, I could have found anything I wanted in those stores without too much trouble.
Wonder Woman wouldn't stand for that shit.