There will most likely be no blog post next week as next weekend is moving day and I will be with out home interweb for five whole days. (*sob*)
Second off, for those in the New York Area, I will be reading my essay in the Fat Studies Reader at Re/Dress along with Kathleen LeBesco, Elena Andrea Escalera and Kelli Dunham will be reading the late and missed Heather MacAllister's essay. Come shop at the fab store, buy the book, listen to the readings and chat with the authors.
And check out the article about the Fat Studies Reader in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Just cracked my copy of the FSR and I'm really impressed with Marilyn's forward! Don't know if I can make the signing but I will try.
Posted by: Maryjane Heyer | November 17, 2009 at 12:50 PM